DS Maolalai
glide, necks arched, curling downward like worms on hooks. these are not stately symbols – these are animals, coursing a winter of water. cans stud the surface like gems on engagement rings, slinking through glistens of oil. a man on the quayside stops and looks down for a moment. he’s on his way somewhere; has…
Jane Rosenberg LaForge
Fracture Mechanics The failure of brittle materials was first explained during World War I, soon after my grandmother sailed the Atlantic, and her little brother was put to work in dryland farming, a favored practice on the Canadian prairie as frail soils were manipulated by the hands of orphans. Once all moisture had been dispensed,…
Joshua St. Claire
let’s just leave this where it is cowbird chick what lies beneath the press of petrichor fiddleheads mansard roof northern mockingbirds tessellate ingenue a cabbage white passing over violet pansies not never but also not common adderstongue now repeat after me rhododendron spring dream narcissi bursting from every pore Rigel setting behind the blue…