Bill Garvey

2 Poems


for Ted & Shelly

My neighbor across the cove

hauls gravel in a wheelbarrow

from the mound at the end

of his driveway to the section

of lawn where the new toolshed

will be built to replace the old.

The cove is wide enough that

I can’t see the gravel or the

wheelbarrow, but I see him

methodically march to and fro,

bending to scoop more gravel

with a shovel I also can’t see.

It’s all in his white T-shirt – a ghost

laboring the wheelbarrow from

point A to point B. He passes

the old, weather-beaten, rotting

shed, also a ghost leaning against

the sky, nodding to the T-shirt

as he passes, wondering how

in the world it has come to this.


Hacketts Cove, N.S. May, 2024

The dock of the cottage two doors down

juts into the cove like an old, gray chin

with all of its earned defiance, daring

the wind and sea to do something about it.

Four lonely white rockers rock with the stiff

wind from Saint Margaret’s Bay, occupied

by long gone lobstermen who built

the structure, God knows when, to be

a fish shack with an unfancy bed. Maybe

they plan to haunt this new family

who won’t arrive till July, maybe June,

giving them time to loosen floorboards,

unglaze a few windows, or however ghosts

mess with the livings’ heads. They sway,

have a hearty laugh on the summer people.

Case in point: the folks two doors up

who paid nearly a million for something

less than $4,000 built in the 40’s. And then

they go and plop a hot tub in the yard

as if living by the sea isn’t cool enough.

Did I mention the outdoor kitchen?

If I was dead, I’d laugh, but I’m not.

I sit on my deck in earshot of their pretension.

Sipping Chardonnet. Writing poetry.

Bill Garvey’s collection of poetry, The basement on Biella, was published in 2023 by DarkWinter Press. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in Rattle, One Art, San Antonio Review, Connecticut River Review, Cimarron Review, Nixes Mate Review and others.

Bill is a dual citizen of Canada and the USA. He is retired, and lives in Nova Scotia and Toronto with his wife, Jean.


Bill Garvey

2 Poems


for Ted & Shelly

My neighbor across the cove

hauls gravel in a wheelbarrow

from the mound at the end

of his driveway to the section

of lawn where the new toolshed

will be built to replace the old.

The cove is wide enough that

I can’t see the gravel or the

wheelbarrow, but I see him

methodically march to and fro,

bending to scoop more gravel

with a shovel I also can’t see.

It’s all in his white T-shirt – a ghost

laboring the wheelbarrow from

point A to point B. He passes

the old, weather-beaten, rotting

shed, also a ghost leaning against

the sky, nodding to the T-shirt

as he passes, wondering how

in the world it has come to this.


Hacketts Cove, N.S. May, 2024

The dock of the cottage two doors down

juts into the cove like an old, gray chin

with all of its earned defiance, daring

the wind and sea to do something about it.

Four lonely white rockers rock with the stiff

wind from Saint Margaret’s Bay, occupied

by long gone lobstermen who built

the structure, God knows when, to be

a fish shack with an unfancy bed. Maybe

they plan to haunt this new family

who won’t arrive till July, maybe June,

giving them time to loosen floorboards,

unglaze a few windows, or however ghosts

mess with the livings’ heads. They sway,

have a hearty laugh on the summer people.

Case in point: the folks two doors up

who paid nearly a million for something

less than $4,000 built in the 40’s. And then

they go and plop a hot tub in the yard

as if living by the sea isn’t cool enough.

Did I mention the outdoor kitchen?

If I was dead, I’d laugh, but I’m not.

I sit on my deck in earshot of their pretension.

Sipping Chardonnet. Writing poetry.

Bill Garvey’s collection of poetry, The basement on Biella, was published in 2023 by DarkWinter Press. His poems have been published or are forthcoming in Rattle, One Art, San Antonio Review, Connecticut River Review, Cimarron Review, Nixes Mate Review and others.

Bill is a dual citizen of Canada and the USA. He is retired, and lives in Nova Scotia and Toronto with his wife, Jean.
